Te mihini whakahanumi
1.what is a mihini whakahanumi?
“2.He aha te kai e tunu ana a Māmā?
She's making some pancakes
“3. Whakatakotohia ngā whakauru ka tāea e koe te kite i roto i Te pikitia?
She's putting the ingredients in the machine
4.what is hukahuka?
Sugar sugar
“5. Whakatakotohia ngā whakauru i roto i te pikitia nei?
There making a keke
“6. What does “he tino reka mean”?”
7. Why would you peel the apples when making an apple pie? Why not leave the skin on?”
When the apple are cooked and the skin is on it feels like plastic
“8. Are the ingredients in this picture cooked, or raw? How can you tell?”
There not all mixed yet
“9. What is being made on this page”
10.List the meals that are made using the mihini whakahanumi in this book.
Smoothie keke ahikirimi approved pie stuffing pancakes salad
11.What is the one thing that the character doesn't think is delicious?
12.What other things can you think of that can be made with a mihini whakahanumi?”
Baby food