Ka Anini Toku Mahunga

16:57 Unknown 0 Comments

1. He aha te tapanga o te purakau?
The little boy has a sore head

1. Ko wai te kaituhi ?
Tangihoro fitzgerald

1. Ma wai nga pikitia ?
brian gunson

2. where do you think this boy is?why?
in front of the train station because theres a
train at the back of him

3. what could this character do to solve
this problem?
have an panadol and have a rest

 4. what types of situations might make
your mahunga anini?
baby crying and probabaly to loud for him

5. why do you think the main charactor
would say he anini pai rawa atu tera ?why might
he feel like that?
because he is out of his house and have some fresh air

what are some other things you might do or places
you might play that would make you feel this
go to the pools or go to a playground

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