Ring Ring
He te tapanga o te purakau?15:55 Unknown 0 Comments
Ring Ring
Ko wai te kaituhi?
Diana Noonan
Is the a fictional story (korero paki) or non fictional (korero pono)

Where is this story set? (kei hea te wahi o te purakau)
Pipi bay & Mr Rose's farm
ko wai nha kiripuaki?
Charlie &her mum & dad
where would Charlie rather be how do you (know this because)
Pipi bay
why do you think Charlie misses pip bay? give some examples of sentences on this page that support your answer?
Cause there is a beach and some of her friends are there
why does Mr Rose call the tui the townies?
Cause there from the town centre
how might dad be feeling on this page give some evidence from the book to support your answer?
Because the tuis were noisy
why is ironic that these birds have arrived?
Because he wanted to get away from the phones ringing and the tuis are making a terrible sound with there voice
how do you think Charlie is feeling at the end of the story?why?
She was so excited cause she always wanted to go to pipi bay
why do you think dad decided to move to pipi bay?
Because it was to noisy
Trip To Waiwera Pools
17:08 Unknown 0 Comments
Three weeks ago our class went to Waiwera pools and we left school at 8:30 and that some of the girls went with Whaea Lisa and Whaea Mere and all the boys went with Matua Wirihana.
and that we were so luckly Matua Wirihana brang the speacker but if he didn't then we will probabaly have no music so then it took one hour and a couple of minutes.
when we got there we had to learn all about water safety and then we had a swim and that silly steave and cleaver kim had to do there movie.
then when we got there we had to get dressed and then we all hopped in the pool and that the whole class was waiting for the slide to open so then we all started to play some throws in the big pool and then Whaea lisa and Matua Wirihana came to get us for our morning tea.
then a couple of seconds the slide opened so then we had to wait till silly steave and cleaver kim to do there amazing boring movie
Kohea Oku Takenga
19:32 Unknown 0 Comments
Te mihini whakahanumi
14:54 Unknown 0 Comments
1.what is a mihini whakahanumi?
“2.He aha te kai e tunu ana a Māmā?
She's making some pancakes
“3. Whakatakotohia ngā whakauru ka tāea e koe te kite i roto i Te pikitia?
She's putting the ingredients in the machine
4.what is hukahuka?
Sugar sugar
“5. Whakatakotohia ngā whakauru i roto i te pikitia nei?
There making a keke
“6. What does “he tino reka mean”?”
7. Why would you peel the apples when making an apple pie? Why not leave the skin on?”
When the apple are cooked and the skin is on it feels like plastic
“8. Are the ingredients in this picture cooked, or raw? How can you tell?”
There not all mixed yet
“9. What is being made on this page”
10.List the meals that are made using the mihini whakahanumi in this book.
Smoothie keke ahikirimi approved pie stuffing pancakes salad
11.What is the one thing that the character doesn't think is delicious?
12.What other things can you think of that can be made with a mihini whakahanumi?”
Baby food
15:20 Unknown 0 Comments
Ka Anini Toku Mahunga
1. He aha te tapanga o te purakau?16:57 Unknown 0 Comments
The little boy has a sore head
1. Ko wai te kaituhi ?
Tangihoro fitzgerald
1. Ma wai nga pikitia ?
brian gunson
2. where do you think this boy is?why?
in front of the train station because theres a
train at the back of him
3. what could this character do to solve
this problem?
have an panadol and have a rest
4. what types of situations might make
your mahunga anini?
baby crying and probabaly to loud for him
5. why do you think the main charactor
would say he anini pai rawa atu tera ?why might
he feel like that?
because he is out of his house and have some fresh air
what are some other things you might do or places
you might play that would make you feel this
go to the pools or go to a playground
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