
14:24 Unknown 1 Comments

I tenei ra i haere a TH7 ki Rotorua mo nate mahi toi mo ta matou kaupapa ako mo tenei wahanga ko te mahi toi i whakahaere a Whaea Lisa i te haerenga ki Rotorua. I runga te haerenga ki Rotorua. I runga te ki MataMata, ha to rohou noho rungapahi mo te wa roa.

I ta matou taenga ki roto i haere matou ki te hoko tikiti ki te uru atu ki nga puia i haere matou ki nga kainga Maori. He wahi tenei ka whakahuhuia i nga wahi noho a o tatou tipuna nga wahi noho a o tatou tipuna mai ra noa i hangaia nga whare mai i te harakeke me nga peka.

I te wa ka hikoi haere matou i te kainga Maori i tutaki matou tetahi tane i mahi peita kanohi i whiwhi matou nga moko, He koru ma nga kohiri, i te tino pai nga mahi a kohiri, i te tino pai nga mahi a te tane i whaakaro nga haimana he taugata rongonui matou. Tino hatakuhi tera i patai nga haimana ki oku hoa mena pirangi ratou te hopu whakaahua i te wa i takaro oku hoa i te kemu pukana i peka mai tetahi haimoana hei takaro tino pai te wairua ki Rotorua.

Na Evalene


Alice and the wonderland English

17:34 Unknown 0 Comments

Image result for alice in wonderlandAlice and wonderland is wondering around the grass because they seen a big fat ugly cat and that they seen his ugly smile so the were running to the end of the world because of his googly eyes were staring down at the Alice and her  protectors so they don't need to be a fur ball for the year when they were running they stopped and had a sapa with a stranger because while they were running there tummy were rumbling because the cat was running after them for ages.


Descriptive Setting

17:29 Unknown 0 Comments


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