Heartless Ignorant thieves
Today is the first day back at school and a disheartened ignorant thing happened over the weekend and the disheartened thing is that who ever stole Whaea Lisa equipment might be arrested because that is a truly bad thing to do and that our teacher is disheartened because that they stole valuable equipment in our class and that it is not even funny and that if we catch them they will be in so much trouble and with out those equipment those reckless people who stole our equipment you just need to think what will happen to you and that if you were our teacher you will be really sad and that if you steal any things from this class ever again you will be sorry for what you are doing and that if you want to know how I feel like nothing like that those I Pads are probably my whole life and all the work we done on those it just went to rubbish.17:05 Unknown 0 Comments
16:28 Unknown 0 Comments
Today I used the 4C's
Today I used courtesy by telling mum
to drop me off to the shop so she dosent get to work late rather then dropping me of to school
I used co operation by co operating with my sadidas
I used common sense by picking up my sister rubbish up because she was to lazy
I used consideration by trying not to kick ngahuia because she was annoying
Mice at McDonalds
14:39 Unknown 0 Comments
on this video I saw 7 mice running around the play ground at great south and Weymouth road and that if I was there I will never ever go back to at McDonalds ever in my life even if we have dinner there I will rather go back home and eat toast or eat some fruit.
what's the problem there is lots of problem about this story number one Is that why is there mice in the play ground is your store stink or they don't know how to clean there playground properly and they don't know how keep there play ground.
they should close down there shop because there ugly terrible fat little mice are roaming around the McDonalds shop and in there play ground area where they put there young siblings to go and enjoy playing on the play ground
I will spit out there food and run out of there restaurant and leave my mouth open and run well my mouth is open
15:30 Unknown 1 Comments
A day in the life
16:52 Unknown 0 Comments
Today I came late because I didn't want to come to school and plus it was freezing like ice and that I didn't want to go and change the money because I only just got up even thought my brother was suppose to change the money but I tried to make him do it but he got so angry so I just went down to shop and well I was walking I saw Waimaria in her car driving to school When I got to school I had to go straight to work and that my group had to do a cover page for Te Rou Mamao.
The 4 Cs
18:56 Unknown 0 Comments
Today I used the 4 Cs by.
1. Courtesy: I helped Blaze get on our Gmail account
2. Common-sense: I will try to learn how to turn on the Wi-Fi
3. Consideration: try to not get angry at Ngahuia even though she's annoying
4. Co-operation: I help out Aberdeen in maths even though I didn't no what to do
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